Parents and guests
What to expect
You and your student will start the day together, with the Rock Chalk Welcome. After that, you’ll break off for your own separate activities. Like your student, you’ll attend information sessions about first-year expectations and opportunities. This is a chance for you to engage one-on-one with staff and faculty, ask questions, and learn about the student experience at KU.
A guest fee of $30.00 will be assessed for each guest that attends Orientation. This fee covers parking, a lunch buffet, printed materials, and a full day of Parent & Guest programming. The fee is posted on the student's account and not due at the time of registration.
Advising and enrollment
Students will attend an advising and enrollment appointment with their academic advisor. Guests will not attend advising with their students. Attending this appointment on their own allows students to begin developing a strong relationship with their academic advisor. However, we encourage you to discuss your student’s plans for their advising session ahead of time.